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Squirrel Bedside Perch - Pink

Squirrel Bedside Perch - Pink

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Bedside Perch by Squirrel provides you with a bedside organizer that will eliminate messy nightstands, organize all your essentials and keep 2 devices charged at all times. We include on perch, with 5 specific compartments each with a great use. As well as 2 arms, and 1 paddle to keep your perch stable between your mattress and box spring/bed frame. These work great on lofted beds, small spaces, RV's and couches. We also provide one USB C to UBS C cord so that you can connect the perch to your power source, as well as 2 integrated ports, 1 USB A and 1 USB C to all for all the time charging right where you are and not getting pulled from the wall and waking up to zero power devices.